Users can view their sites in Internet Explorer mode on this tab. Also note that this policy does not apply if your organization has enabled Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection. both enabled, the User-Agent version string will always be If you don't configure this policy, there are no exceptions to the block list in the URLBlocklist policy. Example 2: In this example the OS Regional format is set to "es-MX" and the browser display language is set to "en-US". This is determined through CNAME lookup. For help with determining the SHA-256 hash, see Get-FileHash. If not configured, the default, UTF-8, is used. DeveloperToolsDisallowedForForceInstalledExtensions (0) = Block the developer tools on extensions installed by enterprise policy, allow in other contexts, DeveloperToolsAllowed (1) = Allow using the developer tools, DeveloperToolsDisallowed (2) = Don't allow using the developer tools. This policy overrides DefaultWebHidGuardSetting, WebHidAskForUrls, WebHidBlockedForUrls and the user's preferences. If you don't configure this policy, or if you set it to an empty string or invalid port range, WebRTC can use any available local UDP port. Read more about this feature here: This policy is not considered if a site matches a URL pattern in any of the following policies: WindowCaptureAllowedByOrigins, TabCaptureAllowedByOrigins, SameOriginTabCaptureAllowedByOrigins. This policy doesn't work because the Outlook menu is now contained within the Edge Sidebar and can be managed using the HubsSidebarEnabled policy. For example, increasing CPU load. If you disable this policy, sign in click to action dialog isn't shown on the New tab page. Note This workaround will not suppress the notice for any newly created local user accounts that are created.. More information. If there is a clash, this policy will take precedence over WebUsbBlockedForUrls and WebUsbAskForUrls. If the user has already set a default search provider, the default search provider configured by this recommended policy will not be added to the list of search providers the user can choose from. If you disable this policy or don't configure it, browsing history is saved. If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge will not block those navigations. If you enable this policy or don't configure it, the user, apps, and extensions with appropriate permissions can enter full screen mode. Setting the policy lets you create a list of URL patterns that specify sites that can't use the clipboard site permission. If you leave the policy unset, there's no autoselection for any site. I am facing this problem now, too, and it seems there is no SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge entry at all. You can override this policy for specific URL patterns by using the WebUsbAskForUrls and WebUsbBlockedForUrls policies. This policy is obsolete because the new version of the enterprise new tab page no longer requires choosing between different content types. If the device does not have a battery, efficiency mode will always be active. If you disable this policy, users won't be able to access the Microsoft Office menu. If you disable this policy, users, apps, and extensions can't enter full screen mode. If you enable this policy, the second auto-suggest result in the address bar suggestion list will conduct a web search exactly as it was entered, provided that this text is a single word without punctuation. Requests initiated from websites served by matching origins are not subject to Private Network Access checks. If you enable or don't configure this policy, web-based applications that use the SpeechSynthesis API can use Online Text to Speech voice fonts. Allows you to set whether websites can check if the user has payment methods saved. If you don't configure this policy, the user will be able to change this setting. Specify whether to send Do Not Track requests to websites that ask for tracking info. If you enable or don't configure this setting, spotlight experiences and recommendations are turned on. Specifies a target time window for the end of the relaunch notification period. This policy doesn't work as expected with file://* wildcards. If you disable this policy, users can't invoke in-app support. If enabled the given url will be installed as a shortcut, A user will be able to buy Adobe subscription to access their premium offerings. To control the availability of sync, use the SyncDisabled policy instead. If you disable or do not configure this policy, Internet Explorer browsing history will not be cleared on browser exit. If you enable this policy, the option to manually import saved passwords is automatically selected. In the ribbon, select Create Microsoft Edge profile. You can allow images on all sites ('AllowImages') or block them on all sites ('BlockImages'). You should only disable NTLMv2 to address issues with backwards compatibility as it reduces the security of authentication. InternetExplorerIntegrationLevel is set to 'IEMode' The search bar will be restarted on system reboot if auto-start is enabled. The exact difference depends on the UI configuration of both IE and Edge, but a typical difference is 4. If you set this policy to 'Fast', Microsoft Edge will reduce the amount of rasterization which can help reduce print job sizes and increase printing speed. Lets you specify whether or not automatic updates are enabled for the WebView2 Runtime. For more detailed examples go to The policy lets Microsoft Edge launch the new version of the built-in PDF reader that's powered by Adobe Acrobat's PDF rendering engine. Specifies the URL of the search engine used for a default search. Click Yes. Disables enforcement of Certificate Transparency requirements for a list of subjectPublicKeyInfo hashes. Specify Google's Image Search URL Post Params as: Some methods that would normally invoke sidebar search will invoke a traditional search instead. This activates a per-tenant storage account used to store these reports. Extensions already installed will be disabled if blocked, without a way for the user to enable them. This policy lets you configure whether users see a confirmation dialog before closing a browser window with multiple tabs. The user's identity isn't reported. If you disable this policy, the ProcessExtensionPointDisablePolicy is not applied to block legacy extension points in the browser process. If you disable this policy, startup settings are not imported at first run or at manual import. If you set this policy, you can list the URL patterns that specify which sites can't ask users to grant them write access to files or directories in the host operating system's file system. Microsoft Windows desktop shortcuts). The next time a user visits a site with a saved password, Microsoft Edge will enter the password automatically. The results are processed in a cloud service. You can enable it for all sites (AllowAutomaticDownloads) or block it for all sites (BlockAutomaticDownloads). Hardening is a key element of our ongoing security strategy to help keep your estate protected while you focus on your job. If you set this policy to 'RestrictedMode', the communication with the Experimentation and Configuration Service is stopped completely. You can completely block or allow websites to get access to sensors. Select the "Microsoft Edge ADMX ingested configuration" profile or the name you used for the profile. Additionally, a signal is sent to the security key indicating that it can use individual attestation. External extensions and their installation are documented at Alternate extension distribution methods. This policy controls the priority of the audio process on Windows. This allows certificates that would otherwise be untrusted because they were not properly publicly disclosed to still be used for Enterprise hosts. Edge mode pages, Configure the pixel adjustment between widths sourced from IE mode pages vs. This may vary depending on Microsoft Edge release, currently running field trials, and platform. "Explicitly" here means that the wild card symbol "*" doesn't cover the Authorization header. ", Recommended enabled: If the policy is set to Recommended enabled, the UI in Settings will remain in 'Off' state, but a briefcase icon will be made visible next to it with this description displayed on hover - "Your organization recommends a specific value for this setting and you have chosen a different value". If you disable or don't configure this setting, OneAuth libraries will be used instead of WAM on Windows 10 RS1 and RS2. Users cannot change or override this setting. This Base64 encoding is the same format as an SPKI Fingerprint, as defined in RFC 7469, Section 2.4. See for more information on using roaming user profiles. To configure Microsoft Edge with multi-app A Microsoft cross-platform web browser that provides privacy, learning, and accessibility tools. This policy is available only on Windows instances that are joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain, or Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise instances that enrolled for device management. When a site is redirected from Internet Explorer to Microsoft Edge, the Internet Explorer tab that started loading the site is closed if it had no prior content. For example: HTTPS location: If you configure this policy to 'DisableSearchInSidebarForKidsMode', Search in sidebar will be disabled when in Kids mode. The new PDF reader ensures that there's no loss of functionality and delivers an enhanced PDF experience. Lets you revert all cookies to legacy SameSite behavior. When enabled, you can enter the identifier of the site list that you created and published to the cloud in M365 Admin Center. Enabling this policy doesn't force content to be visible - the user can continue to set their own preferred content position. Please sign out of those profiles. If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge will not send usage data. Note that if this policy is enabled, then previous sign-in sessions (which used OneAuth by default) cannot be used. However a user can override this setting. If the user has enabled sync, all data is preserved in their sync accounts just like with regular profiles. "Search box (Recommended)" ('bing'), the new tab page uses the search box to search on new tabs. If you disable this policy, a basic username and password prompt will be used to respond to NTLM and Negotiate challenges. Omitting the usage field will create a policy matching any device containing a top-level collection with a usage from the specified usage page. If you don't configure this policy, the default target time window is the whole day (i.e., the end of the notification period is never deferred). Some command-line for reading the installed version of Edge Chromium from the registry. On every launch, Microsoft Edge will try to sign-in using this policy, as long as the first profile being launched isn't signed-in or an auto sign-in hasn't happened before. This policy doesn't work because conflicting states should be avoided. If you disable this policy, the family page will not be shown, and Kids Mode will be hidden. For example, list "skype" instead of "skype:" or "skype://". This policy re-enables the API until version 115. The user will be prompted for confirmation every time an external protocol is invoked. enhance security mode will always be enforced when loading the sites in untrusted domains. Managed favorites are not synced to the user account and can't be modified by extensions. If you set this policy to 2, access is denied. The aggregate disk usage of all caches may therefore be larger than (but within the same order of magnitude as) the value specified. InternetExplorerIntegrationLevel is set to 'IEMode'. This policy lets sites configured to open in Internet Explorer mode to be opened by Microsoft Edge for testing on a modern browser without removing them from the site list.
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