2016; Heneberg 2016; Fong and Wilhite 2017; Zaggl 2017; Scarpa et al. Covid-19 has been front and center in the global landscape since the beginning of 2020. Eventually, strict regulations and vaccine rollouts were implemented with enough success to begin to slow case growth [4]. https://doi.org/10.1108/00220410810844150. An important recent development in research on citation impact is the discovery of universality, or citation impact patterns that hold across different disciplines in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities. 2010; Leblond 2012; Lin and Huang 2012; Cooke and Donaldson 2014; Ioannidis 2015;Soares et al. As new variants appear, researchers are offered the chance to publish on new epidemiological or variant characterization studies. The journal citation reports (SCI edition) with and without journal self-citations. The calculation is number of citations / number of papers, where papers is defined as regular scientific articles, review articles, proceedings papers, and research notes. (2018). Galvez, R. H. (2017). "Only" 12% of medicine articles are not cited, compared to about 82% (!) For instance, many more scientists work in neuroscience than in mathematics, and neuroscientists publish more papers than mathematicians, hence neuroscience papers are much more often cited than papers in mathematics. The average for the ESI Mathematics is, in fact, a high outlier itself, for both self-referencing and even more for self-citing. The linear analysis provides an accessible dataset for initial interpretation of citation rates. However, this citation trend in Covid-19 literature has not been limited to only a select few articles. The self-cited rate of scientific journals and the manipulation of their impact factors. 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Trends in Ecology & Evolution,23(5), 250252. Using information provided in Clarivates 2020 Journal Citation Reports [9] published on June 30, 2021, the top three journals by impact factor were selected from eight scientific categories as defined by WOS. 2018; Copiello 2019; Ioannidis and Thombs 2019). https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.22976. The question is pertinent because self-citation has featured in recent publications that address the possible misrepresentation of research performance by individuals and, specifically, attempts to game citation scores (Baccini et al. Torres-Salinas, D., Robinson-Garcia, N., & Moed, H. F. (2019). Arxiv preprint. The 2020 Journal Impact Factors are based on citations in 2020 to articles published in 2018 and 2019. Such considerations stem from the Mertonian notion of a citation as a repayment of an intellectual debt, which in turn provides reward in the form of community recognition to those so credited (Small 2004). Science Technology & Society,23(1), 124. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology,66(9), 19231932. https://www.who.int/emergencies/disease-outbreak-news/item/2020-DON229, https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-00253-8, https://www.who.int/director-general/speeches/detail/who-director-general-s-opening-remarks-at-the-media-briefing-on-covid-1911-march-2020, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/basic-search, https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr/home?Init=Yes&SrcApp=IC2LS, Corrections, Expressions of Concern, and Retractions. [59][60] The latter model is even used as a predictive tool for determining the citations that might be obtained at any time of the lifetime of a corpus of publications. 2019). Costas, R., van Leeuwen, T. N., & Bordons, M. (2010). Clinical medicine is the largest field (448 Highly Cited Researchers). 2019), although not all agree with this finding (DAntuono and Ciavarella 2019). (2018). Each graph includes Q1, Median, Q3 and the lower and upper thresholds (set at 1.5 and 3 times the inter-quartile range, IQR) for indicative outliers (see Fig. Ecosphere, 8(7), e01887. The highly cited papers were clustered by author, initially using an algorithmic approach. Part I: Articles and their characteristics", Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, "Relation between online "hit counts" and subsequent citations: Prospective study of research papers in the BMJ", "Can Tweets Predict Citations? The threshold number of highly cited papers that determines selection differs by field, with Clinical Medicine requiring the most and Agricultural Sciences, Economics & Business, and Pharmacology & Toxicology typically among the fewest. One way that these effects may be observed is through the influence that Covid-19 papers will have on JIF. Bakare, V., & Lewison, G. (2017). 2018; Baccini et al. JIF is a commonly used surrogate to determine journal excellence and is calculated by dividing number of citations in the current year for articles published in the previous two years by total number of articles published in that journal during the previous two years [21]. These data are also summarised in the Appendix Table3. & Adams, J. There are four plots: two each (one linear and one log plot) for self-references and self-citations. Journal of Documentation,33(4), 251265. Mishra, S., Fegley, B. D., Diesner, J., & Torvik, V. I. The practical intention of a graphical method is that the threshold value applied to plotted data should identify exceptional instances of high self-citation compared to the normal range for that field and that set of researchers. The number of times Covid-19 publications are being cited throughout the literature appears remarkably high but has not been directly compared to non-Covid-19 papers in the same journals over an extended period. A bibliometric approach to the role of author self-citations in scientific communication. Large increases and decreases in journal impact factors in only one year: The effect of journal self-citations. (2018). The false myth of the rise in self-citations, and the impressively positive effect of bibliometric evaluations on the increase of the impact of Italian research. Amidst all of this, there has been an explosion of peer-reviewed literature about Covid-19 as researchers work to uncover details such as structure, infectivity, spread, effects, prevention, and treatment of this novel virus. Central range is used here as a descriptive, non-technical term to indicate the more consistent plateau of similar self-citation rates within each field that encompasses somewhat more than the inter-quartile range for these data. Temporal differences in self-citation rates of scientific journals. Covid-19 has dominated global focus since the onset of 2020, affecting over 200 countries across the world [15]. Not to be confused with. received 9.55 citations, and a paper from an Immunology research field published A negative binomial regression model was used to assess for potential confounding variables (Table 3). Following the 2021 release of the Web of Science Group's Journal Citation Report (JCR 2021) and Scopus' CiteScore, 46 of the journals published by Frontiers have a Journal Impact Factor and 57 journals have a CiteScore. Scopus. MATH (2013). An exact calculation of Prices Law for the Law of Lotka. Ideas in Ecology and Evaluation,7(1), 12. Self-citation corrections for the Hirsch index. (As noted above: central range is a descriptive, non-technical term used to indicate the consistent plateau of similar Highly Cited Researcher self-citation rates within each field that appears to reflect typical cultural self-citation behaviour.). Their study found no penalty for self-citation but diminishing returns with respect to generating citations from others beyond a certain point. Orvosi Hetilap,157(32), 12891293. Impact of country self-citations on bibliometric indicators and ranking of most productive countries. 2012; Adams 2013; Tang et al. The relationship between co-authorship, currency of references and author self-citations. Next, articles without the terms Covid-19, coronavirus, or SARS-CoV-2 in the title were selected to provide an average citation rate for only non-Covid-19 articles in the journal. To explore the variation in self-citation by field, a standard visualisation was created to evaluate the profile of the bulk of the population and the location within that profile of the median and upper and lower quartiles. In other words, self-citations are implicitly woven in the fabric of scientific and scholarly publishing and communication and, in that sense, their influence cannot be excised from the citation record. bioRxiv preprint, December 23, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1101/2019.12.20.884031. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2018.10.025. Text & Talk,38(3), 365387. Therefore, it is a direct measure of how many citations recently published articles in a given journal receive. A/B = 2021 impact factor. It appears to reflect the typical cultural self-citation behaviour in a field. It indexes o ver 15,000 journals from over 4,000 international publishers across the disciplines.. To find the citation counts to your own articles: 1. More recently, advanced models for a dynamic analysis of citation aging have been proposed. https://doi.org/10.1177/030631277700700207. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Before considering what rates or levels of self-citation are excessive and suggestive of citation manipulation, we need to consider the definition of self-citation and the factors apart from merit or manipulation that influence the extent of self-citation in the literature. As noted in the Introduction, typical rate of self-referencing around 10% was discussed by Garfield (1979) and has since been found by others. In every field-based profile, some researcher portfolios are on a steeper part of the curve with values above but continuous with the central range. The Citation Report feature displays bar charts for the number of items published each year and the number of citations each year, plus counts for the average number of citations per item, the number of citations per year per publication, average number of citations per year per publication, and the H-index. For everything except humanities, those numbers are far from 90% but they are still high: One third of social science articles go uncited! Journal of Psychosomatic Research,78(1), 711. Goodhart's law [] states that when a feature of the economy is picked as an indicator of the economy, then it inexorably ceases to function as that indicator because people start to game it. It is measured each year by the Web of Science Group and reported in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR). Analysis of the world's 20 largest publishers by volume, ranked by average number of citations in 2020 received by articles published in 2017, 2018 and 2019 (Dimensions, 2021). Cumulative advantage and the symbolism of intellectual property. (2010). Clarivate Analytics Essential Science Indicators (ESI) is another resource. Classification method for detecting coercive self-citation in journals. No clear reference thresholds and no firm consensus on the management of self-citation data has emerged but opinion now appears to favor leaving self-citations in the dataeven in the context of research evaluation, even for individuals, and thus contrary to traditional viewsbut accounting for them in some manner (Glnzel 2008; Costas et al. The report does not reveal how many citations are from any single year between 2008 and the present. A large-scale analysis of impact factor biased journal self-citations. We anticipate that these findings could be of value to journals editors and researchers when considering efforts for future publications. Moreover, studies of methodological quality and reliability have found that "reliability of published research works in several fields may be decreasing with increasing journal rank",[14] contrary to widespread expectations. Bar plots show the total number of citations received in 20172020 to articles, reviews, conference papers, book chapters and data papers published in 20172020, with Frontiers journals in blue.
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average citation rates by field 2020 2023