A simple 3-card tarot spread for near-term relationship insight. . Health: The High Priestess Tarot card indicates that you need to focus on your health and well-being. You may also need to work on your relationships. The design is as simple as its meaning: loss and betrayal. It simply means there is doubt, or things are not yet clear. This too shall pass, but only if you allow it to. DAILY CHECK IN 3.23.23- " OH, DEAR CHILD" TIMELESS. While I was at the beach in May of 2017, I slipped into the High Priestess card and became the High Priestess. Online 10 Cards Reading. Dont let your pride stop you from asking for financial help right now. In your future position, the Three of Swords is not ideal. She also represents the idea of water as a subconscious function. Written and oral messages may come through her to you. Home. Allow yourself to feel and experience whatever results come your way and keep moving forward, no matter how painful. Things are falling into place without you realizing what is happening. Both The High Priestess and 3 Of Swords mean No. Her feelings arent moody or unresolved. According to Waite, she is the Spiritual Bride and Mother of the just man, and when he reads the Law, she gives the Divine meaning.. He brings infinite blessings for material success and he reminds you that the most important thing . You probably have all the time in the world, but you are insisting on forcing a situation. Be prudent someone may not be telling you everything. You may need to spend more time with your friends and family. The Sun is a state of complete freedom, childlike joy and . Career: The High Priestess. Locked. She comes after the Magician, who has all the tool to succeed. The name High Priestess appeared later in the Rider-Waite deck. - If either of these cards appears in a reading with the Three of Swords, these themes dominate the reading. She may have a drug or alcohol problem, sexual addictions and obsessions. And if you surrender to your subconscious tides, you will be more connected to the conscious of them all. Someone returning from your past (perhaps a past life) who has valuable spiritual lessons to teach you. A crescent moon lies at her feet because the moon serves her and she controls the ebb and flow. Behind all this is a blue background reminiscent of a night lit by the fullest, brightest moon. I started with the Moon, so I could reclaim my natal Moon.). You may find yourself walking on eggshells around this person, as they are skilled at making themselves into the victim and pointing fingers at everyone else when things go wrong. Become a patron. All combinations for tarot card Ace of Swords. A time of reflection. Yet men use the crazy idea that women cant rule because of all those hormones. Do they mean the hormones that women ONLY produce once a month that mimic a mans normal hormonal output? The answers will only come when you submit to the ethereal world void of earthly time. Do not dwell on what could be the end, and instead focus on the what the best course of action is for the future of your relationship. Once you have accepted suffering and experienced sadness, then and only then can you move on. Differences are not reconciled. Be careful and tread lightly. The High Priestess and Five of Swords The Tarot is a powerful tool for divination and spiritual guidance, and each card carries a unique meaning and energy. Start with what is at hand, even small things like what your next meal is. This is a time where you may be tempted to listen to others and follow blindly in their footsteps. The High Priestess appears when you are not meant to know the outcome or the action you should take. High Priestess tarot card represents secrets, magic, mystery, intuition, wisdom, and the art of making the impossible become possible. The information that she has is beyond words. Become a patron. You need time to reflect and listen to the wind and the moon. The veil is delicately embroidered with pomegranates. The upright High Priestess could mean that a romantic appointment is being made in secret a couple is coming together without anyone knowing. Over a period of about 3 months and 3-5 draws, the same card kept coming to me over and over and even when switching to a different deck (the same card equivalent for the suites used by the new deck) . In terms of work, your feelings or ego will be hurt because of a work-related problem. HIDALGO, PEPE Acrylic on canvas made by the artist PEPE HIDALGO in 1998. Both you and your partner are reserved and silent, although neither one of you doubts or distrusts the other. All of this takes place with a backdrop of a cloudy gray sky; sleet streaks from the clouds with nowhere to land. Three of Wands and the High Priestess If you are working toward a stronger sense of self, get ready to achieve enlightenment. A woman in a blue robe stares straight ahead. You may also be suffering from gastrointestinal issues. Many people still recovering from heartbreaking loss see the Three of Swords land here even years after the passing of what was. Both the Three of Swords and the High Priestess have a Yes or No meaning of "No". The High Priestess means The simplest way to think about the High Priestess is that it indicates: Intuition, higher power, mystery and feminine divinity Summary meaning of the High Priestess: A time to search one's inner self. If the Three of Swords happens to land in the past position of your Tarot reading, you can look back on a foundation of sadness that may have led to your current situation. When the Three of Swords Witches Tarot appears in a Tarot spread, it creates an instinctive reaction. Have you recently experienced a monetary loss? The Two of Wands speaks of progress, discovery, and going out into the world to achieve your goals. Passive waiting is indicated. Relationships: The 3 of Swords suggests that relationships may suffer due to heartbreak, divorce, or loss. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Sun upright AND Ten of Swords upright. Her crown is one of the ancient Celtic symbols for the cyclic nature of the female: Daughter, Mother, Grandmother. One card that mitigates the sadness surrounding the Three of Swords is Strength. Click here to get started. Abandoned? As youve found this page, youre probably wondering how to interpret the The High Priestess card and 3 Of Swords card together in particular. The Three of Swords is a card that represents your pain. The Three of Swords means The simplest way to think about the Three of Swords is that it points to: Painful separation, sorrow heartbreak, grief and rejection Summary meaning of the Three of Swords: Sadness and tears for a time. Especially when it comes to love and relationships, the High Priestess can be quite a hard and confusing nut to crack. Eat healthy, do more exercise, and take supplements or medication as prescribed. Just ask your dreams. There is a feeling of psychic connection, a feeling that you and the person probably spent a lifetime together. She needs time alone to meditate on the secrets to the universe. To this day, when I meet someone I am never looking at their face. Why else have women lived so long being denied power? Next to The HIGH PRIESTESS: The 9 of Swords appearing next to The High Priestess in a reading is telling you to be prepared to face certain truths. A time to search one's inner self. Behind her hangs a blue cloth with a pattern of leaves, date palm trees, and cut pomegranate fruit of yellow flesh and red seeds. When I was a child we lived by the ocean. She represents the number two, which means duplicity. When I see with my natural eyes most things merge and blend into one another. Are you prepared to accept a neutral opinion of your contributions to an abusive or volatile situation? Measurements: 123 x 65 cm. She is a woman who may not feel the pressure, need, or desire for a man. Will you or wont you? I would become to wave. Finances: The 3 of Swords can suggest financial difficulties associated with heartbreak, divorce, or loss. The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Health, Money & More The High Priestess tarot card is the second trump or Major Arcana card of the tarot deck. In terms of health, your health may not be as good as you expect. If she represents a person, she is usually a woman. When there are a large number of Swords in the spread it can suggest challenges. This card is defiantly dour with no apparent upside, save for the fact that it confirms the reality of your misery. Click here to get a FREE personalized numerology reading. Are you 18 years of age or older? Interested in receiving your own Tarot reading? Patience is needed at this time. You can work to ensure that nobody is capable of delivering heartbreak to you. Acrylic on canv There is a large equal-armed white cross on the front of her robe. Meaning of the Three of Swords Witches Tarot, III. The Yang, or masculine energies is represented in the palm trees. When you receive the Empress after the Three of Swords, or in outcome/future position, it is a clear sign that you are healing your heart,.I. The benefit of this spread is that it can give clarity when youre feeling uncertain or anxious. The High Priestess represents intuition and the subconscious mind, and should be interpreted as such in card combinations that call for action or choices to be made. Is there a situation in your life where someone is insisting that things are one way when you feel strongly that they are not? It can also represent using your inner voice to navigate through life. The High Priestess card runs counter to this. Exomida, Taken of the Witness is a Taken Chimera that was set in defense of the Ascendant Realm entrance to the Shadow Legion Prison of the European Dead Zone.It confronted the attacking Guardian Fireteam and was slain as a result.. Gameplay []. Keeping your communication open with your partner is the best way to work through these problems. The High Priestess is ultimately a card of finding and manifesting an inner peace as a response to the outside world. DAILY CHECK IN 3.26.23- "COUNT ON ME" TIMELESS. a. However, only you can decide how long it is.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'tarotx_net-box-4','ezslot_10',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tarotx_net-box-4-0'); When the Magician appears with the Three of Swords Witches Tarot, it means that you have more control over the current situation than you think. High Priestess Devil. The meaning of the cards will depend on what kind of reading you are doing and the question you asked the deck. Your subconscious never forgets. High Priestess and 3 of Swords: a. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the balance here as for the Two of Swords. The Three of Swords might not be the best future omen, but adjusting your current situation can certainly improve the future and soften the blow of loss and disappointment to come. The High Priestess Upright Desirability The positions are "You", "Your Partner" and "The Outlook". The High Priestess and The 3 of Swords can represent a time of heartbreak or loss in a relationship. I replied, There is nothing wrong with my vision. He felt like a prisoner as the walls of his mind began to close in on him. The Triple Goddess is a deity archetype, illustrating 3 distinct stages of a woman's life, the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone. Three of Wands and the Empress Every Tarot reading is like an orchestra where no card dominates, just as no instrument dominates the performance of a symphony. It is time to speak your truth and let yourself be set free. iFate works with writers who have knowledge and experience about all types of esoterica.We're an equal opportunity publication with a strong commitment to diversity, equity and jnclusion. Many women who are dating or living with alcoholic partners are asked to embrace the false reality that a constant state of being buzzed brings on. These are the pillars from King Solomons Temple. Continue reading. Career: King of Cups. This fruit with its innumerable red seeds is associated with fertility, which is connected to the horned crescent moon and crown that represent the masculine principle of insemination. The card here reminds us that the emptiness lingers. Look for ways to connect with your higher consciousness. #DAILYCHECKIN. A perfect, free rune reading for beginners. The "Yes" and "No" meanings can differ from reader to reader. Perhaps youve met a woman who isnt revealing everything to you. In the language of flowers, blue mink means discontinuing. Good fortune and luck for those who are patient. b. Wishing someone else would do it for you. A key aspect of reading your own tarot is interpreting cards. Its important in this instance that you understand you may never get the closure youre looking for. The Three of Swords when paired with the High Priestess is a sign that the person responsible for the negativity of your current situation will find a way to discharge. You find your health rewarding this week. Join now for $22.22 per month. It is a very bad time to take on any new financial responsibilities, so instead make sure that youve handled the ones you already have. Her planet is the moon, but Ive always related Neptune to her. She never hands them over to the Fool. This card is one that knows without knowing use that ability to better your future. Because this card comes with a certain level of disappointment, you are more susceptible now to depression and anxiety. Every Tarot reading sets cards out in locations representing your past, your present and your future. If you are in a relationship, you dont always express your feelings. It looks like if folded at the base of the cross it would fit perfectly into the circle, which is another cycle, or perhaps the flower of life or another Celtic cross. Now is time for you to correct how you approach the people and events in your life. In the past position, the High Priestess is a testament to the patience and understanding you have shown in difficult circumstances. The High Priestess Reversed may cause your heart to break. In an emotional matter, the Priestess evokes a time of solitude in which a woman of form Volunteer decides to dispense with romantic relationships. I see the world the way it is, with everything ultimately connected. All rights reserved. There is also a repetition to the movement of the tides. The High Priestess comes before the temporal world. The Wheel of The Year Witches Tarot Deck. The Three of Swords exists beyond redemption. I would telepathically speak to the water and let it know that I acknowledged that we were really the same and then I would let go. TarotX.net is an intensive community of international Tarot. This idea of her related to Neptune is from my own imagination. The The High Priestess card and 3 Of Swords have unique qualities and will interact with each other in different ways depending on what kind of reading you are doing. Knowing calming that you are connected to something greater than your physical body. This card deals with a rather important emotional issue that the querent needs to deal with before moving on. The card figures a woman in a flowing blue robe. Setup: The 2 card Yes or No is where you place two cards face up side by side, whilst asking your deck a yes or no question. It represents love, intimacy, true feelings and compassion. The number 9 contains that number three times. Sometimes when we think we are unfortunate in one area, it turns out we are building a gift. The image of the card is as simple as its meaning which is loss and betrayal. On her head is a horned crown with a white sphere in the middle and by her left foot, the horn of a large yellow lunar crescent reappears. The Moon at her feet represents a foundation of the unconscious as the primary influence and the pomegranates and palms on the tapestry represent the fertility of the imagination unrestrained by logic and consequence. So why do we sometimes choose to struggle all alone, to juggle everything life throws at us? Deep meditation and retreat from a situation, b. You open your heart to give love, but that is one-way love. For a beginner interpreting a single card can be fine, as there are plenty of resources to help you out, however interpreting two or more can be very tricky. Be persistent! You may want to spend some more time thinking about what you want to do next. A temporary period of mournful contemplation over a loss or mistakes made. Are you feeling alone? The Three of Swords suggests there is severe pain in your life right now. Rare Ace of Swords Combinations A drawn double-bladed weapon, crowned for victory, in the grip of a hand: You can expect some rough meanings. Or you two need to teach each other. The meanings here are based on what I believe are the generally accepted definitions. The cross she wears looks much more like an X than a crucification device. Get a forecast of your love life with Tarot cards for past, present and futur Copyright 2016-2023. Laurel wreaths The laurel wreaths on the women's heads symbolise victory, status, recognition, and glory. #COLLECTIVE. Intuition can at times, be more powerful than logic. The Three of Swords belongs in the Tarots Minor Arcana and is subordinate to the two cards in the Major Arcana which carry the number three: The Empress (Tarot card #3) and Death (Tarot card #13). The cards may be associated with each other on several levels including astrological associations, elemental associations and more. She could possibly be a woman who you will have an affair with. The world around you may be threatening, manipulative and self-serving, but this combination reminds you of the strength of your inner voice. The High Priestess represents Isis's spiritual side, the ability of the shape or eternity behind the veil. Unlike the Christian cross with its longer vertical beam representing tension and psychological angst, this cross is associated with psychological equilibrium, peace and well-being. This site is intended for entertainment purposes only. The meaning of each card is different depending on where it lands in your reading. This king just exudes it, and he welcomes you into his private study for a heartfelt conversation and a few anecdotal lessons of life. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. You may need to save up for something important, or you may need to be careful with your spending. Both The High Priestess and Queen Of Swords mean "No". The letters B and J stand for Boaz and Jachin. The Magician assures you that you are not a passive victim. You are keeping your thoughts to yourselves one of you may even be hiding an affair or the wish to separate. 5,371. If the Justice card is drawn in a reading with the Three of Swords, the pain of loss will be administered by outside forces, be they law enforcement or the courts. The 2 card cross (otherwise known as The Fools Journey). #DAILYCHECKIN. March 26 at 8:10 PM. I would never fight the water. The best course of action at this time is to focus on taking care of yourself, and look at the positives in your life in order to lift yourself up. Click here to take the quiz and find out who is your guardian angel. There could be an overflow of demands on your feelings, but without having the facts in front of you, just feeling like you might be in the presence of a manipulative individual is reason enough to pull back on deep commitments. Remember that heartbreak is a temporary pain and that you are capable of eventually moving on. When there are many cards from the suit of Pentacles in your reading, this indicates that your hunches about a good way to make money are right on. You can scrutinize some possible cruelty toward someone regardless of your intent and mitigate it now before it does any karmic damage. uncontrolled outbursts and sexual tension. Title: "XIV Temperance". When the Three of Swords appears to you in the reversed position, it means that its time for you to try your hand at being the peacekeeper. You may not realize how your behaviors are affecting others, so consider this your chance to correct these mistakes. Seeing the Three of Swords appear here as confirmation of your current heartache is not the worst thing. b. List of Tarot Spreads Follow these hunches youll be grateful that you did. In that situation, you need to understand that you may not get the result you are looking for. In the end, all we can do is believe in the goodness of life and try to live up to that ideal. She may be identified with inner intuition. This is the High Priestess. Likewise, The Tower card indicates that innocent bystanders may suffer more than the parties directly involved in this absence of love. This is an excellent tarot spread for love & relationships. You may find yourself developing new and meaningful relationships and friendships this week that could .
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